From Director


The U.G.C. Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, Ranchi University performs exceptionally well as one of the premier institutions of this kind in India on the basis of the number of refresher and orientation programmes conducted and other academic programmes organised. These advancements in the domain of training teachers in institutions of higher education are results of an exhaustive strive towards academic excellence. The Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, Ranchi University was established in 1988-89 as a part of UGC’s attempts to re-orient the training of teachers in higher education. Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre is functioning in the own  Building in Morabadi Campus, Ranchi University with a splendid array of infrastructural facilities including air-conditioned and multimedia enabled class rooms, well equipped computer laboratories, and with UGC’s Edusat network connectivity.

In pursuance of the National policy of education 1986 and consequent programme of action, The University Grants Commission had setup fifty Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre in various Universities/Institutions in the country. Training of teachers is an immensely significant component of any emerging system of education and the 1992 Review of Educational Policy envisaged the comprehensive program for professional development of teachers through Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centres. Continuing efforts in the restructuring of courses, improving the quality of research and in constant revision and improvement of curriculum in Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centres are intended to initiate a radical shift in the parameters of ‘training the teachers’ project.

The UGC Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, Ranchi University recognizes its crucial role in comprehending and facing the challenges of the shifting paradigms of human resource development and academic research. The emerging notions of Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Society have ostensibly redefined the role of Universities and other Academic Institutions in a globalized context. The Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre Website provides detailed information about the schedule of Orientation Courses and Refresher Courses in various disciplines, information about academic seminars and workshops and an opportunity for the aspiring teachers to make advance application for the courses.



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3 Faculty Induction Programme/Refresher Courses _ SCHEDULE – 2022-23 

The Human Resource Development Centre has conducted  Faculty Induction Programme/Refresher Courses/Short Term Courses and Webinars in different subjects including Hindi, Commerce, English, Chemistry, Management, Law, Education, Computer, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Geography, Political Science, Sanskrit, Human Rights,…

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 The main objective of conducting an faculty induction programme is to transform a teacher into a learning and creative teacher. It is possible only when the HRDCs identify the relevant contents and methodology. The…

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Previous Directors of the Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi. 

  NAME FROM TO Prof. V.S. Jha 01-05-1988 31-07-1996 Prof. C.R. Laha 01-08-1996 31-01-2000 Prof. Kamleshwar 01-02-2000 31-10-2002 Prof. K.C. Prasad 01-11-2002 22-08-2006 Prof. B. Ekka 23-08-2006 30-11-2009 Prof. M.P. Singh 01-12-2009 30-06-2010 Prof.…

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1. Faculty Induction Programme/Refresher Courses _ SCHEDULE – 2024-25 

The UGC-Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC) has conducted Faculty Induction Programme/Refresher Courses and Short Term Courses in different subjects including Hindi, Commerce, English, Chemistry, Management, Law, Education, Computer, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Geography, Political…

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2. Faculty Induction Programme/Refresher Courses _ SCHEDULE – 2023-24 (ONLINE) 

The Human Resource Development Centre has conducted Faculty Induction Programme/Refresher Courses/Short Term Courses and Webinars in different subjects including Hindi, Commerce, English, Chemistry, Management, Law, Education, Computer, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Geography, Political Science, Sanskrit, Human Rights,…

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1. NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme(s) (Online Mode) 

NEP 2020 emphasizes the creation of motivated, energized, and capable faculty. The Capacity building of teachers at all levels has been one of the major thrust areas in the field of higher education. Existing…

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UGC-HRDC Guidelines 2019 (English) UGC-HRDC Guidelines 2019 (Hindi) UGC-Letter-On-Duty Guidelines for Guru Dakshta (English) Guidelines for Guru Dakshta (Hindi) UGC-Guidelines on MMTTP No Objection Certificate (NEP)  

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Selection List 

Selection List :- 1) List of Selected Participants for the 24th Faculty Induction Programme (FIP) - Click here 2) List of Selected Participants for the RC in Commerce & Management - Click here 3) List of Selected Participants for the RC in Information Technology…

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