The Human Resource Development Centre has conducted Faculty Induction Programme/Refresher Courses/Short Term Courses and Webinars in different subjects including Hindi, Commerce, English, Chemistry, Management, Law, Education, Computer, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Geography, Political Science, Sanskrit, Human Rights, Music, Physics, IT, History, Public Administration and Environmental Studies. In these courses it strived to upgrade and update the knowledge of teachers in different fields of their specialization. The contents of the courses were objectively selected to enlighten teachers about the contemporary developments in their subjects and also to provide an understanding about the emerging areas of research. During the refresher courses, the teachers also discussed the syllabus and suggested to their respective departments the stipulated changes.
S.N. | Subject | Duration/period | Discipline | Remarks/Link |
1 | 11th Faculty Induction Programme | 03.06.2022 to 30.06.2022 | All Subjects | Completed |
2 | 12th Faculty Induction Programme | 02.08.2022 to 29.08.2022 | All Subjects | Completed |
3 | 13th Faculty Induction Programme | 02.09.2022 to 29.09.2022 | All Subjects | Completed |
4 | 14th Faculty Induction Programme | 03.11.2022 to 30.11.2022 | All Subjects | Completed |
5 | 15th Faculty Induction Programme | 03.01.2023 to 30.01.2023 | All Subjects | Completed |
6 | 16th Faculty Induction Programme | 03.03.2023 to 30.03.2023 | All subjects | Completed |
S.N. | Subject | Duration/period | Discipline | Remarks/Link |
1 | Commerce & Management | 07.12.2022 to 20.12.2022 | Economics, Commerce & Management | Completed |
2 | Earth Sciences (Geography & Geology) | 06.07.2022 to 19.07.2022 | Geography & Geology | |
3 | Indian Heritage and Culture | 05.08.2022 to 18.08.2022 | History | Completed |
4 | Life Sciences | 06.09.2022 to 19.09.2022 | Botany & Zoology | Completed |
5 | Experimental Botany | 08.11.2022 to 21.11.2022 | Botany | Completed |
6 | Tribal Studies - Cultural and Social Dimensions | 06.12.2022 to 19.12.2022 | Concerned Subject | Completed |
7 | Law legal rights of Indian women | 10.01.2023 to 23.01.2023 | Law | Completed |
8 | Teacher's Education | 07.02.2023 to 20.02.2023 | University Teachers and Teachers of Master and Bachelor Degrees of Education | Completed |
S.N. | Subject | Duration/period | Discipline | Remarks/Link |
1 | Women Studies and Gender Sensitization | 14.06.2022 to 27.06.2022 | All Subjects | Completed |
2 | Research Methodology in Social Sciences | 12.07.2022 to 25.07.2022 | All Social Sciences | Completed |
3 | MOOC’s Development and Delivery | 10.08.2022 to 23.08.2022 | All Subjects | Completed |
4 | Environmental Science and Ecology | 13.09.2022 to 26.09.2022 | All Subjects | Completed |
5 | Neurolinguistics | 15.11.2022 to 28.11.2022 | All Languages | Completed |
6 | Social Sciences | 09.12.2022 to 22.12.2022 | All Social Sciences | Completed |
7 | Information Technology | 17.01.2023 to 30.01.2023 | All Subjects | Completed |
8 | Human Rights and Constitution of India | 14.02.2023 to 27.02.2023 | All Subjects | Completed |
S.N. | Subject | Duration/period | Remarks/Link | |
1 | MOOC’s Development and Delivery | 28.01.2023 to 03.02.2023 | Completed | |
2 | E-Content Development using ICT | 21.09.2022 to 27.09.2022 | Completed | |
3 | Yoga and Wellness | 24.11.2022 to 30.11.2022 | ||
ICT in Library | 22.02.2023 to 28.02.2023 | Completed | ||
5 | Gender Sensitization | 15.03.2023 to 21.03.2023 | Completed | |
| ||||
For Information regarding courses pleasecontact following numbers –94313 57404, 95076 54009, 62991 46601, 62005 79842,75490 23633 |
Important Instructions
1. All the courses will be conducted in online mode.
2. There should be minimum gap of one year between two courses, though it may be relaxed if adequate numbers of participants are not available or it is essential for the teachers to fulfill eligibility conditions for career advancement.
3. Registration forms will be only accepted through Google form (Online mode).
4. These documents will be required while filling the online application:- (1) No objection certificate (NOC) (2) 2F & 12B of Certificate University/College (3) self-declaration certificate (4) recent passport size photograph (5) digital signature (6) registration fee payments slip.
5. Post filling the online Google form, it is compulsory for the participants to submit the hard copy of the following documents:- (1) Copy of submitted application (proof) (2) Registration payment slip (3) Relieving letter from the institute* (4) 2f and 12b certificates of colleges/university (5) Your letter of appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (6) Recent passport size photograph. (Address - The Director, UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University, Morabadi Campus, Ranchi, Pin Code - 834008, Jharkhand)
6. The list of selected candidates for any Faculty Induction Programme/Refresher course will be uploaded on website, 05 days before the commencement of the course.
7. *Selected candidate is required to send relieving order from the concerned authority of his/her college/university during the course.
8. No candidate will be allowed to attend the Faculty Induction Programme/Refresher Course/Short Term Courses if he/she does not attend the inaugural lecture of the said programme.
10. Certificates of completion of course will be given only to those participants who attend the course for the full duration and successfully go through all the evaluation stages.
9. Every participant will be evaluated on a five-point scale on the basis of their performance in the course and grades A+, A, B, C, or F will be awarded. Participant getting grade-F will be required to repeat the course without financial commitment to UGC-HRDC.